
Brunch Isn’t Just for Mothers-Sunday June 15th is Father’s Day. Brunch 9:30-2:30.

DadHere is a pic of Dad and I in 1981, the year I was born. Mustaches and big black glasses weren’t worn ironically then, and despite being a rather funny looking kid, Dad loved me anyway. Here’s to the dads that love their funny looking babies, their trouble making toddlers, their clumsy preteens, their angst-filled teenagers, and their independent-minded young adults. We may not have shown you as well as we could have how we appreciated you, knew you were there for us all along, and supported us through thick and thin, but at least for today, we want you to know we love you. Happy Father’s Day! Whether you spend the day in bed, at the movies, at the park, at the game, at the museum, or if you have brunch with us at Heirloom, we hope it’s a great day and when you go to sleep you know you are loved.

Heirloom Athens

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